As Sports & Recreation Coordinator my duties are to offer support in planning, developing, coordinating, implementing, and supervising all aspects of recreation and athletic programs for the community of Standing Buffalo First Nation.
Past Programs & Events:
Hosted M.E.C school ball tournament
Couples Golf Tournament
National Aboriginal Day
P.O.W. Self-defence Program
2019 FHQ Tony Cote FN Summer Games
Jays Care Rookie League
Sport Camps
Back to School Bash
Sell Fighting Sioux Lacrosse Merchandise
Future Programs & Events:
Currently, we are offering a Learn to Skate and skating skills & development program through two grants out of the Fort Rexentre, which runs every Sunday from 6 to 8 pm. The skating program has 32 participants with 8 volunteers assisting the program.
Possible Future programming & events:
Jiu-Jitsu Program
Winter programming through X-mas holidays
Sport development camps/clinics
Youth FSIN Volleyball Championships
Tony Cote FN Winter Games
Wesley Sunshine Boxing
Jeff Shattler Lacrosse