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I am excited to invite our female athletes to some exciting opportunities coming up!    The first opportunity I am hope a lot have seen already which is the opportunity to compete in the 2022 Canada Summer Games!   Lacrosse is making a historical return to the games, and we are exciting to get a female team prepared and ready for action!    The second opportunity is a follow up to the Women’s Field Camps that were ran in the spring.   SLA has a goal of sending at least one Team Sask Women’s Field team, lead by Team Canada Alumni Paige Mason, to the 2022 Lacrosse Canada Women’s Field Lacrosse National Championships in Alberta!   To prepare for each of these events we have some talent ID’s coming up that I would like to invite athletes to.   Please see below for more information on each opportunity:


CANADA GAMES (Box Lacrosse)

  • Eligible Athletes – players born in 2007, 2006, 2005, and 2004.  We just received approval last night to include players born in 2007 as underage players for Canada Games (so any advertisements for camps will not include that age group yet as everyone on this email is the first to hear about it!).   Players born in 2004 are considered overage players and the team can only take two overage players so spots are limited for that age group.  Canada Games roster is restricted to 18 players (2 Goalies and 16 runners)

  • Canada Games takes place in August of 2022.

  • Cost to participate in ID camps - $100 for open camps, may be additional costs for athletes invited back to training camps.



  • Eligible Athletes – players born in 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003.  For Women’s Field Nationals we can take a U15 Team, U19 Team, or both.   How many athletes and their age that shows interest and Coaches feel are prepared to complete on that level will determine what teams are taken.  All ages will be invited for training though.

  • LC Women’s Field Nationals takes place in July of 2022.

  • Cost to participate in ID camps is $50.  As the program moves from ID camps to training camps there may be additional costs to continue.


To save on travel costs for athletes who wish to participate in both opportunities, ID camps for Canada Games and Women’s Field Nationals will run the same weekends, in the same location.  (Schedules will be adjusted accordingly).   Right now the dates we have booked are: (Please note these may be subject to change)

  • November 20th/21st in Saskatoon (CG will run both days, Women’s Field will run on the 21st)

  • December 11/12th in Saskatoon (Both groups will run on both days)

  • January Camps – Dates/Location TBD

  • February 26th weekend in Saskatoon (TBD what group runs on what days)



Please use the below link to register,  please note athletes will have to complete a separate registration form for each opportunity.    To register for Canada Games, select the Canada Games division, to register for Women’s Nationals, select the 2022 Women’s Field National Championships division.



I hope to see a lot of our female athletes out at these opportunities!   Please note this is just the start of different high-performance opportunities for our Lady Laxers and we hope to have additional Team Sask opportunities coming in the near future as well.


If you have any questions, please let me know,


Thank you,

Bridgett Pottle SLA 

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